20 Minute Home Workout

home workout to stay fit

20 Minute Home Workout

If you are busy, not able to get up early morning or have no time for gym just follow this 20 minute home workout to stay healthy and in best fitness.

1) Jog: in one place for 3 minutes

this is the first exercise that you should do in any workout 

2) Jumping jacks: 25 repeats   

When landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce the impact on knee joints. 

3) Crunches: 15 repeats

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head with elbows pointing outwards. Support your neck with your hands. 

Keep your neck in a straight line with your spine. Flex your waist to raise the upper torso from the mat. Lower yourself until the back of your shoulders touches the mat. 

Muscle worked : rectus abdominis

4) Hip Bridges : 10 repeats

Lie on your back. With your hands at a 90 degree angle to the floor, lift your body off the floor to form a straight line, a sort of a bridge, from the shoulders to the knee. 

The position should resemble a table … your hands and legs as the legs of the table and your upper body to your knees as the surface. Hold this position for two seconds. Squeeze your gluteus (butt muscles) and then lower yourself. 

Muscle worked: Lower back, hamstrings and gluteus.  5) Step – up’s: 1 minute

You will need a stepper for this. 

Muscle worked: hamstrings, gluteus, quads.

6) Reverse crunches: 15 repeats

Lie on your back with your hands on hips. Keep you knees bent. Bring your knees towards your head, until your hips come slightly off the floor. Hold this position for a second, and then lower your knees.

Muscle worked: lower abs and oblique.

7) Mountain climbers : 1 minute

Get your hands and knees and raise your knees like a starting block sprinter. Run in that position, supporting your upper body with the palms of your hands. Keep your back straight. 

Muscle worked: triceps, deltoid muscle, gluteus, quads, hamstrings, calves.

8) Push – up’s: 15 repeats

Muscle worked: triceps, deltoids, pectorals.

9) Squat thrusts: 1 minute

Stand up straight. Now fall into a squatting position. Immediately thrust your legs straight behind your toes, in push up position, now jump to pull your legs to your chest, in a squatting position, then stand up,

Muscle worked: arms, legs, chest, and lower back.

Cool down by walking around, until your heart rate starts getting back to normal, stretch.

A minutes rest is needed in between exercise. Proper form is important. Do not hold breath. Sip water during the workout. This 20 minute home workout targets the whole body, improves cardiovascular efficiency and tones and strengthens the body.

Train your legs and build your strength with the reverse lunge exercises

the Reverse Lunge is the best lunge exercises!

Shape your legs, tone your butt and build functional strength, with the Reverse Lunge. Lunges are an exceptional exercise for conditioning your lower body. They stress the muscles from a perfect angle to develop incredible shape and symmetry in your legs, thighs and butt.

Because they require balance, lunges also build neuromuscular and functional capacity - helping your body go through its daily motions and letting you pick up your children with ease.

If you are looking to lose weight, you want to look more stylish in shorts, or improve your sports performance , reverse lunge  should be part of your training program.

In my opinion, the Ultimate Lunge is the Reverse Lunge. There are many types of lunges, and many ways to perform them all, but now we are talking only about one -  who  is the reverse lunge. 

Here's why I chose this one (the Reverse Lunge): 

- Because you have more balance and support, it's easy to learn and perform. In addition, you have less dynamic process during the reverse lunge exercise which provides more effective stress to the muscles and yields better results.

- It's safer and softer on your knees because your back foot absorbs the ballistic shock of the lunge step. (Contrasted to the front lunge where impact shock can transfer to the knee even if you land heel to toe.)

- It creates muscular balance by initiating the movement backward as opposed to most other exercise movement patterns that take you forward and bias your musculature toward forward motion.

How To Do A Reverse Lunge Correctly?

- Run forward, with your feet shoulder width apart, and your arms at your side.

- Step back with one leg far enough to allow your knees to bend at 90 degree angles. You can simultaneously bring your arms up to act as a slight counter balance. If you want a greater challenge, hold light weights in your hands.

- You're in correct position at the bottom of your lunge when your front knee is directly over the ankle.

IMPORTANT - To return to the initial position, start dropping your arms and lift the heel of your front leg. Do not turn your back leg. This simple advice will greatly enhance the effectiveness of your reverse lunge, giving you a much tighter skinny butt and get much better results in half the time.

Try doing reverse lunges 3 times a week, non-consecutive days. Work up to 2 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg. After a month, I think you will be amazed at the impact of the reverse lunge will have on your body.

Show your abs and build your abdominal muscles fast

Why you don't have "killer abs" or "six pack" abdominal muscles?

build abdominal muscles fast

Ask any woman what is the most attractive part of a male body and most of the time they will tell you it's the six pack abs meaning that your abdominal muscles showing up with beautiful definition. 

The abdominal muscles is considered by many as a sexy muscle and is a symbol of a healthy man. Women are instinctively drawn towards a man full of health and fitness because it is a primitive indication that the man is strong enough to protect her and her offspring. 

A rippling six pack abs is one such indication. It is no wonder that in every gym, you will see men of all ages doing crunches, sit ups and leg breeders religiously in the hope of obtaining the much coveted killer abs? Unfortunately, most men will never get to see your abdominal muscles in all its glorious splendor. Why? The following fitness tips will show you why.

You may not like what I'll give it straight in the face here. But I will give it to you anyway. So here we go. Listen carefully. You may do a zillion crunches a day, then another million leg raisers , but as long as there is a layer of fat covering your tummy, you will never see your abdominal muscles because it is covered by the blubber of fat. In fact, your waistline will be bigger because you are adding muscles under the fat! So instead of having a thin waist and show your abs, you will have a larger and thicker love handles. Now get this straight. There is no such thing as spot reduction! Once the fats are off, your abdominal muscles will show. This, I promise. It's as simple as displaying your abs. Lose fat! That's all.

TV commercials late evening or magazines tell you that you can have well defined abs by using this gadget or electronic gadget. Do you really think it's that simple? If so, then everyone will have that six pack abdominal muscles in no time, right? So why is it so? Why not work that way.

To effectively and permanently lose fat for your abdominal muscles to show, you must include a slight deficit calorie restriction, frequent cardio workouts and strength training with weights to build muscle to increase your metabolism to lose weight and burn fat way natural. Your weight loss goals will not be achieved effectively and permanently when one of the three elements was injured or not even incorporated into your weight loss program. I repeat once again the three elements: 

a) A mildly caloric deficit diet - A slightly calorie deficit diet to help you lose weight.

b) Frequent cardio exercises - Frequent cardio workout to exercise your heart and lungs and burn fat at the same time.

c) Weight Lifting to build muscles - Build muscles to burn fat permanently as muscles consume more calories from food to produce energy. Lifting weights will also give you a well toned body and help your abdominal muscles to show.

Forget any fad diets and diet pills. They may work at first, but long term, they are doomed to failure.

but instead try to find the best meal replacement shakes for weight loss to lose fat before building abs.

10 Health Tips for a successful fitness

success of your fitness exercises.

Fitness is in the mind of most people. However, many people are not consistent in the first three months of an fitness exercise program. But if it becomes a habit and stick to it, something magical happens after four months. You are finally getting the results you expect and chances are you will continue with this fitness exercise program.

Here are 10 simple tips to help you in the success of your fitness exercises. 

1. A move. Resolve to be active in a variety of physical activities on a regular basis that will develop strength, cardiovascular capacity and flexibility. 

2. Prime the pump. Resolve to participate in physical activities that involve large muscle groups of the body. 

3. Let your muscles do the work. Decided to lift weight or use resistant fitness exercises to impose requirements and challenge your muscles. 

4. Relax. Resolve to stretch regularly - before and after or during exercise. Remember to move your muscles through their full range of motion on a regular basis. 

5. Win the Losing Game. Decides to maintain your weight at an appropriate level. If you need to lose weight, a general rule to follow is to eat less and exercise more (both in moderation). 

6. be careful to what you eat. Resolve to eat healthy. Good nutrition equals good health. Good nutrition is to provide your body with the necessary nutrients in appropriate amounts. 

7. Chill Out. Decides to keep the question of your life in perspective. Knowing the factors that can and cannot control in your life. Do not "stress" the things beyond your control. See change as an opportunity rather than a threat. 

8. Get enough rest. Resolve to get enough sleep. The basic guideline on the amount of sleep you need is what makes you feel refreshed, alert and in good spirits regarding the next day. Sleep helps to rest and restore your body - both physically and mentally. 

9. Keep your focus on the task at hand. Decide to take the time to your fitness exercise regularly  Consistency gets results. Focus on the muscle you are exercising. Do not go through the motions. 

10. Please note that "there is no free lunch." Resolve to commit to sound lifestyle. For example, do not smoke. Maintain an appropriate level of body fat. Avoid the latest fitness exercise and diet, potions and exercise gadgets that seem too good to be true (they always are).

7 Tips for Fitness Women

great tips about effective fitness woman!

Fitness Women

Would you like to be a fitness woman? Or are you a fitness woman but would like to be effective? Here are 7 great tips on how to become an effective fitness woman and to do your fitness exercises regularly:

1. Get a program that suits you best. Every fitness woman is different. You may have surgical history that a program may not be suitable for you. Always consult a qualified trainer to make sure that the training program will not hurt you. If the fitness program is not for you, it will be a cause of frustration and injuries.

2. Set realistic goals. Do not get frustrated if you set your mind to reshape your body in month? Make sure that the body you prefer in a period of time is achievable and realistic. The program should also be practical and not give false hope. It is important to be aware of the blocks you encounter in your daily life. This will help you know what program is satisfactory. And once a program has been reached, then you can set realistic goals and timelines.

3. Exercises should work on the parts of the body where muscles are. The reason is mainly to build muscle, burn more calories and reduce fat in your body. We recommend joint and multi-weightlifting exercises. Learn what exercises work on certain parts of your body. Multi-joint exercises are also said to be effective but for time saving.

4. Be systematic work on your muscles. Your muscles have to work harder over time. Repeating the same sets of exercises and same weight without getting your muscles to work harder will not give satisfactory results. You can record your daily results and make the progression based on previous data. A daily log will also motivate you since you are able to track how far you have come. It builds confidence because it is a written test that something was done successfully.

5. Performing a series of fitness woman exercises of 10 repetitions. Each issue is made is called an iteration. Try to make every repetition with less momentum as much as possible. The lesser the momentum, the harder your muscles work. And the harder they work, the more they get. To verify the presence of a lot of movement when lifting, see if the arm is floating. If the arm does float, then there is a lot of momentum.

6. Be flexible and perform a variety of exercises. Every fitness exercise program should have a variety. You can change your exercises, goals and sets every month to keep you motivated on the road. Doing this will help you avoid boredom and loss of physical and mental energy.

7. Motivated! The best way to maintain energy levels of the students is to allow a healthy competition and allow them to have a sense of control. Having control is having the sense ownership where everybody has a role in the execution of a program. To do this, you must also be consistent in demonstrating your skills.

Not all programs work for all types of people. There is no workout that is best for everyone. But you learn from experienced people. Learn to recognize blocks and demonstrate self-discipline, keep yourself motivated and work harder every day and add variety. Doing these things, you will discover that many fitness woman exercises  will work for you.

The Importance of Stretching Exercises

Stretching Exercises is the best preparation for workout !

Among the methods of sports training  used, which has recently been used to extend more is stretching exercises. The word of English origin, used as such in many other languages ​​and comes from the verb to stretch (meaning, in this sense, "to work your arms, legs and body are as straight as possible so that your muscles become long and tight). More exactly, we talk about stretching the muscles, the joints, the tendons, the ligaments, etc.

Even before the term itself and the specific methods gained individuality, stretching exercises was used a lot, especially in sports or activities that require a good joint mobility and muscle flexibility Special (gymnastics, martial arts, dance, etc.). Specific positions hatha yoga practiced a source of inspiration for the various movements of the expansion, but these positions have undergone many changes, modifications and simplifications.

The most important effect of stretching exercises is the flexibility of muscles and joints, which allows for greater efficiency in training. There are different views on exactly when stretching in the training are introduced.

So there are authors who support the idea that stretching exercises  seems to support both warm and relaxing, and even for most of the training. On the other hand, there is the opinion that stretching exercises should be done only in the relaxation faze,because the movements that are specific to it induce a state of relaxation that you do not want at the beginning of the training. This state comes as a result of maintaining the passive faze of the positions.

Anyway, everybody agrees that stretching exercises needs to be anticipated by general warming up, this way the practitioner will avoid tightening of the muscles.

General warm-up takes about 5 minutes and it contains aerobic exercises. Stretching the muscles that could not yet warmed dangerous for the integrity of muscle fibers, which could easily burst.
Both weight and resistance training should include stretching exercises; the effectiveness will only increase once this type of movement is done during training.

Another reason for increased efficiency is the fact that a large number of ground units are involved in the movement, and they are faster once mobilized voluntary command transmitted by the pulse subject to muscles. Given that the range of motion is greater, the athlete can cover larger distances, higher areas, savings, at the same time, the energy, which is particularly important in the very sports demanding (athletics, canoeing, etc.).

You can do a whole workout with stretching exercises. However, it is not advisable: the muscles will be used quickly, just relax, without contract, which can create an imbalance.

Another possible negative effect of exaggerated stretching movements (over the physiological limit of a joint) is laxity of the joints or injuries such as sprains, dislocations, tightening of ligaments or tendons, etc..) The main joints (knee, shoulder, elbow, etc.) are protected not only by their own mobility, but also by the elasticity of the muscles themselves surround.

Finally, the distances must be accompanied by other forms of training, so that the athlete will have a fitness program complete and secure form.

10 Things You Should Know About Stretching Exercises

stretching exercises to Increase Flexibility and Mobility !

Stretching Exercises,Stretching, Exercises

Before fitness training, one must give importance to doing warm-up or stretching exercises to prevent accidents or improve production during training. There are also a number of measures and precautionary advice to serve as guidelines doing exercises fitness. Here are some of them.

1. To increase flexibility and to avoid injuries, stretch before and after your workout. Almost everyone knows that stretching exercises before workout prevents injuries during the exercises, but only few people know that stretching exercises after workout, when muscles are still warm, can increase flexibility.

2. Hold which extends over more than 60 seconds to increase flexibility. While holding the position for 20 seconds is enough for warm, holding each position for at least 60 seconds to increase flexibility of the body.

3. Do not go into a stretching position then immediately return to the rest position, and do it repeatedly. This is called more appropriately than bouncing while in a position. When you do stretching exercises, held that position for a few seconds, then release slowly. You can do this exercise repeatedly this way. Bouncing or forcing yourself into a position during stretching exercises can strain or damage some joints or muscles.

4. Work slowly in increments instead of immediately proceed to exercise or the most difficult position.

5. Make sure that you have stretched or warmed up all muscle groups. For some people, even if they have strong bodies, they tend to neglect the neck when working on stretching exercises. Stretching the neck muscles can be as simple as placing the palm of one hand on the front of the head and pushing it. So, do the same for the sides and back of the head.

6. Stretch regularly to continually increase your range of movements and your level of flexibility and strength.

7. Training considering only your capabilities and not of others. Do not force yourself to do exercises that you are not able to simply because there are people who can do it. Increase your limits slowly. Listen to your body. There are days when your body may be too tired that you may need to consider reducing the amplitude of movement.

8. Learn to relax. Rest between sets and stations to ensure that the body has enough time to recover its energy. In addition, it is advisable that you do not work the same muscle groups consecutively for two days. The muscles grow during the period when you rest and not when you are working out.

9. Doing aerobic exercises to strengthen your heart. Aerobic exercises are those physical activities that much oxygen for fuel. This includes cardiovascular exercises such as skipping rope, running or swimming.

10. Music can help when you want to train for longer periods or to increase the intensity. You can use MP3 players, CD players or lightweight am radio receivers for this. Make sure that you brought your headset with you so you do not disturb people who do not prefer music while exercising.

In addition to the prevention of accidents and increase the limit of one, it is also said that stretching exercises is good for a tired body and also for a stressed mind and spirit.

this is the best 10 things that you should keep in your mind when working on stretching exercises.

The Benefits of Pilates Exercises!

exercise and enjoy it ! with Pilate Exercises

Pilate exercise is one of the most rewarding forms of exercise because it includes stretching, strength and improves flexibility in the safest and avoid injury.

Pilate exercises started as a way of rehabilitating athletes and dancers but is now used by millions of people worldwide, because it is one of the safest forms of exercise.

Forget jogging, hitting the pavement with the potential risk of shin splints, knee injury, or worse, fall and get a serious injury. Pilate exercises is one of the safest exercise systems that exist. The only equipment used is a carpets. But for lovers of more advanced Pilate exercises, other equipment can be added to simple routines. However, once you start rigorous training regimen, you will begin to notice improvements in your body healthy.

No matter if you have 20 or 60 years, Pilate exercises can work for anyone - male or female, young or old. No matter what state you are in, the benefits for health and fitness are endless. Pilate exercises improves flexibility, strength and range of motion of the nucleus. It is also known to help relieve chronic health problems and back pain fighter.

But the best part of Pilate exercises is that it's fun!

It is an exercise that unites body and mind that allows them to work together to establish balance. However, the main benefit is Pilates improves body alignment throughout, which is less prone to injury.

Here are some other benefits of Pilate exercises :

• Improves breathing

• Corrects the alignment of the spine and pelvis through the concentration of slow, fluid, gentle movements with maximum power.

• Build long, thin muscles that are less prone to injury, while increasing resistance - uncluttered.

• Improves flexibility and range of motion.

• Improves the strength of the back and abdomen.

• Create a balance between the muscles - as strong and weak muscles are strong also gain more strength training and more training of a given muscle group muscles. This balance can easily enjoy daily activities with less risk of injury. Pilate exercises  allows you to train your body to move in safer smooth and efficient movement patterns, which is essential for optimal performance and overall health.

• No strong or bouncing in Pilate exercises. This is the safest way to exercise. That's why he started as an exercise rehabilitation system for athletes and dancers. This is all muscle groups of intense exercise system working, but still maintain and improve the overall balance.

If you are looking for an exercise routine that is safe and easy to do - and it does not involve a lot of heavy equipment, Pilate exercises is an excellent choice. But best of all, with the popularity of this system, which can be done in the comfort of your own home! Many videos and DVDs are available to rent at your local video store and sale at your local supermarket.

System needs to exercise that right? Pilate exercises may be just for you. Exercise fun, easy and enjoyable that strengthens and restores suppleness ... There is nothing better than that!

The Top 5 Pilates Exercises to Get You Started !

These quick exercises will help you get started in Pilates. Even if you have never done Pilates before you will quickly pick up and feel the benefit of these Pilates strengthening methods in no time. 

 Top 5 Pilates Exercises


Although simple - if you breathe properly, you will find it easy to relax and provide adequate oxygen to your muscles. You notice the difference when you breathe correctly as it will enhance your overall experience. Breathing is an important part of all Pilates exercises. Just breathe through your nose for a count of five and exhaling through your mouth for a count of five with his silence. Make the breaths into short, rhythmic bursts - in, in, in, in, in and shut, shut, shut up, shut up, shut up. Never rush your breathing and do not go too far, to the point that you feel dizzy and fall.

Toe Lifts 

This will help the principal balance. work the basic balance in harmony with the alignment of the feet support the entire body. You will be surprised by the amount of force the fingers need to trim your body. This movement strengthens the muscles at the top of your feet and increases blood flow to the toes. Poor circulation in the feet can cause muscle stiffness and problems that affect the rest of your body.

This is a very simple Pilates exercise designed to improve circulation and increase awareness of balance.
Start by standing with your feet together with your inline body. Keep your head upright and keep your arms resting at your side. Start simply by raising the toes of the right foot slowly up and then down again. To do this a couple of times alternating feet.

Then lift the toes of both feet at the same time pressing the metatarsal bones at the base of the toes firmly and evenly on the floor.

** Remember - Do not put your feet inward or outward while performing this Pilates exercise. And do not lean back as you lift **
You should inhale as you lift and exhale as you lower your fingers. Try closing your eyes as you exhale and lower your toes. Keep your eyes closed for five repetitions and you will notice an improvement in your sense of balance.

Flicks with a spoon

This Pilates exercise improves blood circulation in the arms and hands. The increased blood flow in the fingers can eliminate toxins and reduce arthritis or stiffness in the joints. It is also a good session forearm workout and is excellent for relieving sore elbows.

Start by standing with your feet together with your inline body. Keep your hands in front of you below your waist and tighten loose fists by rolling the fingers with the thumb on top. In this   Pilates exercise, the arms should always be fully extended while moving in a circular motion into six main positions.

1. Below and to the front. Hands inward.

2. Raised in the shoulders and forehead. Hands inward

3. Reproduction upwardly. Hands inward.

4. Lying on the side. Raise your hand.

5. Up to 45 degrees. Hands down.

6. Decrease side. Hands inward.

The idea is difficult finger touching permanently open in any position. Is eight films while holding in position 1 and four movies while moving to position 2. Is eight movies while remaining in position two and four films that move in position 3. Continue this pattern.

** Remember - Keep your wrists still and your arms straight **

The Hundred

This is a classic Pilates exercise so named because it requires a score of 100 to complete. This Pilates exercise strengthens core abdominal muscles and expands the chest and ribcage.
This is a floor or carpet. He lifts his legs to vertical and waving or by pressing the arm up and down in small movements.

1. Start by lying on the floor with knees bent as if you were doing sit-ups and have your arms resting palm down beside him.

2. Tighten your abdominal muscles so that the head, neck and shoulders off the floor. Keep your tight throughout the Pilates exercise tight abs. Stretch your arms forward toward your toes and start pressing up and down a distance of about 15 cm. Stay in this position for a count of 20.

3. Slowly lift your legs to a 90 degree angle with your body. Continue pumping for 20 additional account.

4. Slowly extend your legs toward the ceiling and keep pumping for 20 counts.

5. Begin to lower your legs to 45 degrees diagonally across your torso and keep pumping for 20 counts.

6. Keep your legs straight and as close to reduce the ground without moving the spine on the floor and keep pumping for 20 counts.

7. Head to the ground. Release your arms, bend your knees and place your feet on the ground.

Diamond Roll-up

This Pilates exercise works your abdominal and improves flexibility of the spine. There is a floor Pilates exercise or treadmill and involves the upper body while extending your arms.

1. Lie down with your legs in the diamond position. Keep your back flat on the floor and arms flat on the floor above your head. The diamond position is when you point your toes and put your legs in diamond shape with your knees on the sides.

2. Raise your arms to the ceiling and slowly start rolling or peeling your upper body on the floor of the head down.

3. Keep peeling and extend your legs forward, keeping your toes pointed.

4. Stretch your arms and torso forward over your legs creating a C shape with your body. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and keep your arms directly around your ears.

5. Start driving to the ground by pulling its legs in the position of the diamond. Your arms should start to point to the ceiling.

6. Finish in the starting position of the spine on the floor, hands on head and legs in the diamond position.

** Remember - Keep the movement fluid and constant. Work with your abdominal muscles. Do not straighten the spine as you roll. If you feel tension or discomfort, hold your thighs until you are stronger. **

This is the best 5 Pilates exercise to Get You Started! so enjoy it!

Basics about the Pilates Exercises

Pilates Exercises is to stretch and strengthen your body

The Basics of Pilates Exercise

if you're one of those people that just stay home, no doubt you've heard of the Pilates exercises. The purpose of Pilates Exercises is to strengthen and stretch your body. That is why Pilates Exercises are so popular with ballet dancers and  most contortionists .

 But just because people are using Pilates exercise for physical improvement and weight loss does not mean that a Pilates exercise is a cardiovascular exercise. Pilates is basically a low-intensity exercise. Most instructors recommend Pilates with aerobics and other forms of exercise for best effects.

 Pilates Exercise was invented by Joseph Pilates, a German, as a self exercise. Pilates was born a frail and sickly, asthmatic boy, so he had to exercise to improve your body. When I was a little older, living in France, and was arrested as an "enemy alien." During his internment, he was assigned to the medical services of the prison, and this is where it gets use Pilates exercise as rehabilitation exercises for the sick.

 Since then the Pilates exercises has gained its reputation for helping to improve the overall fitness of the organism. Pilates exercise is a series of breathing techniques combined with stretching and a simple machine. Pilates exercises designed to improve core body. This includes the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks. Some say it is better than yoga overall because it strengthens the body through improving posture strength and flexibility through stretching. The machines used in Pilates, are there to challenge the body, making it stay in certain positions while moving the other parts in different directions, forming what the body resist stress, increasing strength.

 The basic ideology of the Pilates exercise is the use of the mental ability of the body to improve the mobility, efficiency and muscle control, which is why they say that Pilate exercise somehow improves mental state. Pilates also makes you realize the correct posture. Because the exercises performed, but also develops the muscles of the back and abdomen, further promoting good posture.

 Pilate exercise also uses breathing techniques, which further increases mental focus. And probably one of the major axes of Pilates is flexibility strength of the muscles. It is the ideology that made Pilates popular among dancers in the beginning.

 Many Pilates enthusiasts and users have testified to the effectiveness of this program. With regular classes, the bodies become well balanced and solid. Some say that after each workout, you can instantly feel the difference it has made to parts of the body, mainly the back legs and abdominal.

 Aside from increased strength, weight loss is what many people aspire when they do Pilates exercises. Pilates Other benefits include increased energy levels, greater strength, flexibility, great workouts abdominal and general fitness.

the best 5 Components of Physical Fitness

About physical fitness

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is the capability to function productively throughout your workday, perform your usual other activities and still have enough energy left over to handle any extra stresses or emergencies which may arise further.

The components of physical fitness are:

* Cardiorespiratory (CR) endurance - the efficiency with which the body delivers oxygen and nutrients needed for muscular activity and transports waste products from the cells.

* Muscular strength - the greatest amount of force a muscle or muscle group can exert in a single effort.

* Muscle strength - the ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated with a sub-maximal force for extended periods of time movements.

* Flexibility - the ability to move the joints or group of joints through an entire, normal range of motion.

* Body composition - the percentage of body fat a person has in relation to their total body mass.

Improving the first three components of competence mentioned above will have a positive impact on body composition and will result in less fat. Excessive off the other components of fitness body fat, reduces performance, detracts from the appearance, and negatively affects your health.

Factors such as speed, agility, muscle strength, hand-eye coordination and eye-foot coordination are classified as components of the condition "engine". These factors will affect your athletic ability. Appropriate training can improve these factors within the limits of your potential. A sensible weight loss and  physical fitness program seeks to improve or maintain all the components of physical fitness and motor sound, progressive mission specific physical training.

Principles of physical fitness exercise

Respect for certain fundamental principles of exercise is important for the development of an effective program. The same principles of exercise apply to everyone at all levels of physical fitness training, from the Olympic-caliber athlete to the weekend jogger.

These basic principles of Physical fitness exercises must be followed.


To obtain a training effect, you must exercise  physical fitness often. You must pay each of the first four fitness components at least three times a week. Poor physical fitness exercise can do more harm than good. Consistency is also important in resting, sleeping, and following a balanced diet.


The intensity (strength) and / or duration (how long) of exercise must gradually increase to improve the level of physical fitness.


To be effective, a program should include activities that address all the components of physical fitness with an emphasis on one of them can hurt others.


Provide a variety of activities reduces boredom and increases motivation and progress.


Training must be geared toward specific goals. For example, people become better runners if their training emphasizes running. Although swimming is great physical fitness exercise, it does not improve after 2 mile run as much as a program is running.


A day of training for a given component of physical fitness should be followed by an easier training day or rest day for the component and / or muscle group (s) to help permit recovery. Another way to allow recovery is to alternate the muscle groups exercised every day, especially when training for strength and / or muscular endurance.


The workload of each exercise session must exceed the normal demands placed on the body to determine a ripple effect.

Fitness and Exercise Advice

The body and mind are complicated

Some insulin levels play the largest role in weight loss. Other experts believe that our body type is the key to finding exercises and diet plans that work with the body. For your body type that you need to talk with your doctor or visit the World Wide Net to find answers to your questions. More details are available on the Internet that can help you decide which is the best diet for you, as well as exercises that works best with your body.

To achieve a healthy state and maintain a supply of weight must be combined with fitness exercise, since one without the other does not. The combination of provisions in good health with proper fitness exercises can bring you good health and fitness, which will improve the quality of life. It will also help to keep areas of your body to a level.

Part of the confusion comes when people diet, fitness exercise and take care of themselves, but still gain weight. Barry Sears wrote a book a week in the region, which has produced an extraordinary council.

The body and mind are complicated, but the two work together to produce results. Many experts, including theorists, doctors, scientists and philosophers continue to find answers to body functions.

Some of the information contained in the book helps us decide on fitness exercises and diets that suit us best, since insulin plays an important role in healthy living. The author tells us that the result of hormone intake of carbohydrates and calories are different hormones that produce proteins and calories. , Continue to let us know that the effects of hormones that produce fat and calories too differ in the direction of health.


The author leads us to see that we must strike a balance, but the balance is taken into account by the different hormonal levels. So eat healthy, giving the body's own fluids and fitness exercise is the only answer to living a productive life and quality.

One of the biggest setbacks that people adhere to makes excuses to avoid dieting and fitness exercise. Countless people find it easier said than done to stick with diet programs and fitness exercise that helps to maintain good health, weight maintenance.

A major reason is that most people do not understand their body and its type or difficulty to join a program. One of the main reasons for this is that many people find it difficult to plan, set goals that work, and find solutions that will help the person to maintain a schedule. The trio is the best instrument to work for good health and fitness. If you are unsure of the types of fitness exercises, it can hold you back. Up and down the stairs is an aerobic exercise. Mowing the lawn is another type of fitness exercise. Whenever the body is moving, leading to actions that exercises. Lifting 12 ounces of beer is not an exercise. Alcohol if overused will affect the body and mind in a dramatic way.

Other forms of fitness exercise are just walking in the store instead of driving your car, especially if the store is just down the road. If you find it difficult getting started with exercise makes effort to ask a friend or family member to join you. Otherwise, perhaps workplace a team of people who joined a gym to improve their health, maybe you can go with them. If you have a dog, dogs enjoy walking, then put your feet moving and make your dog happy. Children also love walking with parents, therefore spend time with your children and fitness exercise while doing so.

Therefore, if you have complexity with goal setting, planning, or stick to a program, begin to use the stairs instead of the elevator when you visit your doctor, or other appointments You. In addition, you can mow the lawn instead of paying the guy in the street to do the work for you. Beginning of the year is not easy, but we must start somewhere to reach a healthy state!